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Saturday 12 July 2014

Sydney Winter Holiday 2014 (Day 4): Nicholas Seafood at Sydney Fish Market ~ Review

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and seafood for breakfast? Well I'm not complaining.

I must say we were spoiled by choice. Look at all the stalls along the aisles.

We decided on the last stall on the right at the end of the aisle... Nicholas Seafood...

Those are displays for all the oysters
There's a man on the side opening all the oysters
Look at all of the raw seafood display. At the end of the corner, you'll find seating areas for dining in.
And again
For those who want to dine in, not to worry. On the left end of the shop, you'll find an aisle full of cooked food and you can ask for the cooks to cook your raw seafood there. We saw people asking for their whole barramundi cooked on the spot. There's also some seating space (indoor and outdoor) for dining in (it's at the corner far left not captured in the picture, silly me for forgetting to take pictures)

Anyway here are all the dishes we had:

Do get this! These are oysters with three different toppings - 1 with hot sauce, 1 with a salty savoury sauce (it's like a soya sauce with chopped chives) and 1 with caviar? Well it looks like a tiny black egg. The toppings gave a nice twist to a plain oyster and these 3 flavours really complement the raw oyster taste. But be careful with the hot sauce topping though, it's a tad strong so if you're not a fan of chilli, skip this.
My family is a huge fan of raw oyster so these are definitely not a miss. Quite impressed with the freshness of the oyster as well as the size of these babies :p yummy raw oysters.
Total Oyster damage for 5 people
Lets not forget the cooked kilpatrick (bacon and bbq sauce) and mornay (melted cheese) oyster. In general, I still prefer raw oyster than cooked ones and these two did not taste that sensational to me. I think there should be more barbeque sauce in the kilpatrick and the mornay could've been more saltier. I've tasted better kilpatrick and mornay than these two.

The sashimi were quite of a letdown too. The fishes are not that fresh and they are not properly cut like a sashimi. I was expecting high hopes for these salmon, tuna and yellowtail sashimi but it did not live up to the expectation. Better stick to Sushi Train or Japanese restaurant for your sashimi. 

These are a combination of lobster mornay, deep fried battered fish and fried calamari. 

My lobster mornay was overcooked and thus the meat was a bit tough to chew. On the upside, the cheese was quite generous and melted nicely.

The fish was well battered. It was crispy on the outside yet soft on the inside. It is really hard to go wrong with deep battered fish in my opinion - as long there's a fresh fish to begin with, which is the case here. 

For the calamari. Hmm well.. it's battered evenly and cooked until crispy. The calamari itself is chewy, soft and fresh which is good. However, it's just okay for me. All fried calamari just started to taste the same for me.

The seafood salad consist of light mayo (like coleslaw sauce), generous slices of crab stick and steamed prawns and giant celery stalks cut in pieces. The crunchiness of the celery combined with the sweetness of the sauce, prawn, and crab stick were really nice. It gives your mouth a little break from all of those fried foods up there.

We also got a whole fried barramundi off the counter. The barramundi was topped with diced chilli, chives and fried onion which gave the dish an Asian vibe. The combination of the sweetness and bitterness of the fried onion, a hint of spiciness from the chilli, the salty savoury fish skin (from a soy sauce marinate) and the soft fish meat underneath was awesome. My mouth watered remembering the taste of this dish. Will definitely get this again next time, but this time, we want it freshly cook on the spot ;)

As we walked around, we noticed this installation at the centre of the shop barricaded by the seafood counter. Out of a hole from the ceiling, shaved iced was coming down into this giant glass box. Pretty cool, in my opinion :)
The attraction in the center of the shop is this giant ice compartment with slushed ice coming from the ceiling. Reminds me of snowfall
Some more stuff raw and live stuff they sell: 

Fresh seafood salad
Look at that tentacles OMG

Overall: I will recommend the raw oyster with the 3 different toppings and the whole barramundi. However, if given the opportunity to go back to Sydney Fish Market, I'd probably go and try other stalls than this.

PS. Is it me or the staff are majority Indonesian students?

Nicholas Seafood - Sydney Fish Market on Urbanspoon

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