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Monday 28 July 2014

Adelaide Winter Holiday 2014 (Day 2): Cafe East Terrace Continental (etc) ~ Review

A long morning walk calls for a hearty breakfast. 

So here we are at Cafe East Terrace Continental or etc in short.

It was a public holiday and the place was so packed despite the ample seating they have. This is probably the largest cafe I've seen so far in my trip. They have 2 storeys indoor seating and a row of seats on the outside (seen above). 

Despite the chaotic and busy day, the waitresses are very helpful in assisting us to find seats and reserving it for us while we made our order. How this place works is you order at the counter and the food will be served to your table regardless of where you're seated. The staffs definitely know their table numbers because when I mixed up my number, they still know which one I was talking about and send my food straight to my table. Thumbs up for that. Despite the chaotic-ness, we'd probably spend just around 10-15 minutes for our dishes to come. Pretty good. 

This place is suppose to have Wi-Fi but unfortunately on that day they were having some issue with it. 

An overall view of everything we got: 2 glasses of orange juice and 3 main courses.

So here's the details: 

The Works. Really really generous portion. The spicy, salty flavour from the chorizo sausage, the super generous portion of bacon, the warm crispy and soft toasts combined with the perfectly poached eggs are just divine. The bacon can be more crispy, but I am so not complaining because I kinda like the ham-like texture on this bacon. The plate was also really full with sautéed mushroom, unfortunately I do not like this kind of mushroom. Now I'm not too sure what kind of mushroom is this but it's definitely not button mushroom. If you're a lover of all kinds of mushroom, you'll be really with the amount of mushroom given here (because I like that). The roasted tomato is also really really tasty with the nice balance of sweet and salty. This is a huge deal coming from a girl who dislike tomatoes. Oh and kudos to the hash brown :) I wish all breakfast dish have this crunchy warm potato stuff. Sadly, out of all the breakfast brunch dish I've had throughout my trip, this is probably the first I have hash brown in my plate. So happy about this because the hash brown is not disappointing :)Two thumbs up for this dish.

The Royals, an off-of-the menu dish written on the blackboard that day. This dish comprises of chorizo sausage, chilli oil, poached egg, rockets, and toast. Now I don't know if this is my Asian roots talking but I must say this dish probably beat The Works in terms of tastiness. I'm guessing they fry the chorizo with some of the chilli oil which brings out the salty, spicy taste of this sausage even more. Topped this off with the gooey poached egg, pepper-y taste from the rockets and eat those together with your toast = you have a perfect combination right there! Make this dish permanent please :)

This is Scrambled Eggs with Smoked Salmon. I seem to have this trend of ending food reviews with the so-so or skip dish -.- While the poached egg is perfectly cooked, I have a different opinion about the scrambled eggs - these are quite dry and bland. In fact, I can see some of the small bits stuck together. Seems like this scrambled eggs has been left in the heat (aka pre-cooked) for a while causing it to be dry. The smoked salmon on the other hand feels fresh and taste great.

Ah the freshly squeezed orange juice - really applaud them for the freshness. How do I know if this is legit? Well, we ordered two and 1 is sweeter than the other. The sweet taste definitely comes from the fruit itself; I don't taste any artificial sugar. On and a random claim, I really like the thick sturdy spiral silver straw :)

Entrance and exit door for the second floor
If given the chance to visit Adelaide again, I will definitely stop by this place again. 

East Terrace Continental on Urbanspoon

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