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Monday 28 July 2014

Adelaide Winter Holiday 2014 (Day 3): BBQ City Restaurant (Chinatown) ~ Review

For late lunch, we headed off to BBQ City Restaurant. We've been eyeing this place for a while after seeing the place being so crowded every evening.

As we enter, we were directly greeted and directed to our table. The staff attending to our order was very patient with us changing our minds here and there. Kudos for that. 

The food arrived shortly I found myself eating watching some game show and news from a few TVs pasted on the ceiling of the restaurant.

We decided on 4 dishes that day (with 1 I totally forgot to take picture of).

Braised Chicken Fillet with Seasonal Vegetables
The chicken was very tender and sweet while the vegetables are cooked just nice - still crispy and green. The sauce has some white wine infused inside it which makes the dish taste sweet and savoury. Eat this with rice to balance out the flavour.

Shredded Beef in Peking Style 
Of course I had to order this for comparison. The BBQ city version really good. The meat is tender and crispy. The sauce covered every inch of the beef and shredded carrot. The carrot was crunchy enough. It was as comparable or even better than those I had in Kam Fook.

Ma Bo Tofu
Another really great dish. The dish was very flavourful thanks to the spicy savoury sauce that covers the vegetables and minced meat. The tofu was smooth and tasty, the mushroom was soft and chewy while the carrot and baby corn adds crunch and sweetness into the dish. Will recommend this dish if you're looking for a nice hearty vegetable dish.

One dish that's missing a picture is their Yang Zhou Fried Rice which can actually be found on the right corner of the Ma Bo Tofu picture. I haven't had a very savoury, rich and flavourful fried rice like this in a while. The BBQ pork bits in the rice add some sweetness into the dish while contrasting the saltiness from the egg and the crunch from the shallots.

I can totally understand why BBQ City is a favourite among the locals. They offered really tasty, nice Chinese food. The taste is really close to the food I have here in Singapore's Chinese restaurants.The location is very strategic and there are ample seating spot as well. The price was quite affordable too. A good place for dining-in or even takeaway.

BBQ City on Urbanspoon

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