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Sunday 27 July 2014

Adelaide Winter Holiday 2014 (Day 1): Hong Fat BBQ Restaurant ~ Review

After a long journey from Sydney, we arrived around late afternoon starving in Adelaide. While exploring the Chinatown area, we came across this place for little Chinese food fix.

Upon entering the place, I must say I have my own reservation. The place looks rather..... not clean. Oh and we were greeted by a lady shouting at the chef (I think it has something to do with letting the chef know that we arrived or something). Anyway, awkward entrance aside, here's what we got.

Fried Combination with Fried Rice
So what you have is here chopped vegetables (probably Chinese Kale), bits of crab stick, fish, prawn, pork, chicken, and beef all stir fried in with some kind of an oyster sauce (salty-savoury kind of taste). This concoction is then dumped on top of fried rice (egg+rice). The combination of all the meats and vegetable are flavourful and very savoury. However, I can't help but think that this dish is made out of the many excess bits of food they have. Is that a bad thing to say? Anyway topping aside, the fried rice taste really bland eaten alone.

I must say that their portion is really really generous. The rice practically fills up the whole bowl and that fried combination practically covers the whole top of the bowl with the sauce sipping down to 1/4 length of the bowl.

Roast Duck with Rice
Let me just say first that I am not that much of a duck fan. This dish is rather fragrant and the duck is quite tender. The sweet savoury sauce is pretty nice though it's too little for us; we had to ask for extra serving of the sauce on the side. The sauce balance well with the hint of saltiness of the roast duck.

Singapore Fried Noodle
I don't understand why this is called Singapore Fried Noodle.It does not remind me of Singapore at all. Anyway that matter aside, the noodle serving is very generous. The noodle comes with bean sprouts, prawns and bits of meat. Taste wise is kinda bland; they could've up the sauce on this and make it more savoury. I would say skip this.

Though there's quite ample seating area, I would not recommend this place for long chill-out session because it does not cut it for me. It's not comfortable enough and, again, I just don't find it that clean. I'd say go here for takeaways or if you're on a tight budget. The plus points of this place comes from its very reasonable price, giant portion and pretty decent food.

If you're going to Adelaide for a holiday, I suggest you go for BBQ City instead for a good fix of Chinese food.

Hong Fat BBQ Restaurant on Urbanspoon

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