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Sunday 27 July 2014

Adelaide Winter Holiday 2014 (Day 1): San Churro Choccolateria (Adelaide Central Market) ~ Review

After setting our check-in and stuff, we just want to chill and nibble a bit in a place that has Wi-Fi so here we are at San Churro Chocolateria Chinatown. You can guess by now that during my time in Adelaide, we stayed near the Chinatown Area.
The counter 
Ample and spacious seating area
This place is just so cozy to lounge around while sipping hot cocoa. There's 2 storey full of seating area inside and some seating space outside too.

Besides churros and hot chocolate, they have many other types of pastry and dessert like ice cream which comes in a unique flavour called Chilli Chocolate (which my sister say taste really weird), macaroons, cakes, and many more. They also sells many merchandise. 

As we were quite full, we decided to settle on 2 sweet stuff: 

Milk Couverture Hot Chocolate
On a winter evening, you can never go wrong with a hot cocoa. I love how rich this hot chocolate is. The consistency is also pretty thick. Next time, I'd probably try the dark chocolate version since I find this version a bit too sweet for my taste.

The cup comes with their tagline written on the inner top: sweeten thy love

Chocolate and Churros Tapas
This thing is awesome as it lets me try their churros (6 mini ones), brownies, deep fried chocolate truffles, strawberries, and assorted chocolate like their pretzel covered with milk chocolate, praline, butterscotch-filled chocolate cup, mint chocolate (the green-ish one) and milk chocolate covered in bitter cocoa powder (the four squares between the brownies).

Let me describe each components of the dish:
1. I must say their churros are very crispy and crunchy with the inside being very soft. It pairs really well with the milk chocolate dipping inside the tiny bowl. 
2. The milk chocolate dipping taste exactly like the hot chocolate though it has a thicker and richer consistency as how a dipping should be.
3. The brownies are rich and chocolate-y without being overboard though it's a bit on the dryer side, in my opinion. I'm not complaining since I can get the moistness by dipping it inside the milk chocolate.
4. The deep fried chocolate truffles are quite decent. It has the slightly salty, oily batter on the outside and the sweetness of the chocolate truffle inside. If asked to purchase this separately, I wouldn't buy this though. I like my chocolate truffle plain without any batter covering it. I basically don't understand the significance of frying it.
5. The pretzel covered chocolate has that nice texture of crunchiness and great combination of sweet and salty.
6. The praline taste hmmm... pretty decent.. It doesn't taste spectacular or anything. By this moment, I can't really tell the difference of the sweetness of the chocolate. I'm having a sweetness overload here.
7. Butterscotch-filled chocolate cup. I'm liking this for its soft butterscotch cream filling. It's mildly sweet which balance out the milk chocolate cup.
8. Mint chocolate. I don't know if it's the overload chocolate talking or the mint is just a bit too overpowering. I think they can consider toning down the peppermint flavouring on this.
9. Bits of milk chocolate covered in bitter cocoa powder. I like how this bits are not overly sweet given the bitter powder coating.

Would recommend this place if you're looking for a nice place to chill alone doing some work on your laptop or to hang out with friends for a catchup session. This place is also great for all of you tourist out there who needs Wi-Fi (I feel your pain).

Chocolateria San Churro on Urbanspoon

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