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Tuesday 29 January 2013

Progress: Towards New Year's Resolution

I figured that I need to write my progress once a while to help me reflect on what have I been doing to reach my goals..

It's been over 2 weeks since I posted my new year's resolution.. and my progress through all of it are.. PRETTY BAD =(

To start, I still procrastinate. It may be because I just back from holiday that I have yet to find the study rhythm again. It's been 3 weeks since school start and I must say that I have been putting behind in catching up my studies and doing my work. On top of that, I've been putting off small things like sending an overdue gift to a friend. However, the biggest crime I did in procrastination is NOT THINKING ABOUT MY FUTURE, what I want in life and how to reach it. There are a few things that I should have made a decision soon but I've put off.

These weeks have been really busy and tiring since my club's production is coming up very soon (this Sunday in fact) and rehearsals have been gruesome. Yet, I shouldn't have rest all day despite feeling tired-I should make more good use of my time.

As for staying healthy, the progress is 50/50. I guess what I'm proud of is the fact that I've been choosing healthier options like salads whenever I have the opportunity. It was tough at first and it probably takes about a week for me to get used to stopping myself from making bad decisions. I still relapsed, especially when I'm tired and too hungry, but I know I'm getting there.
Yet the thing that I'm not proud of is my sleeping pattern. I've been developing this habit of sleeping at 1-2am in the morning. I switched off my com at 12 and then continue surfing with my phone until 1-2am on my bed. Because of this, I kept waking up late and skipping breakfast =(

As for respecting myself more, I did well most of the time for these 2 weeks. I listen to myself more often than not and I've been seeing the result from this. I realize that if I put myself first, I can be a better person for myself and those around me. To share a little bit, I've recently talked to my Professor about my job task and the concerns I have about it (I was prepared to quit in fact). The old me would usually kept silent and stressed over it on my own, but then I'll be grumpy and stressed all the time. I'm glad that I took the courage to talk to him about it as we now found a common ground on expectation.

For the last goal, sharing myself.. Well =( I didn't post anything last week when I have to post 5 posts a week. this is the one that I lacked the most. Hopefully after my production ends (which is this Sunday), I can focus more on this blog..

Well, that's it for my progress. Will definitely improve before the next progress post =) To improve I will:
1. Keep a journal for my thoughts
2. Keep a food journal
3. Create daily schedule for myself to allocate time better
4. Switch off my phone latest at 10pm
5. Wake up earlier (7am?)

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