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Friday 11 January 2013

2013's Resolution: Do you have one?

Picture from kikki.K
One of the most debated topic in the start of the year is New Year's Resolution.. Is it good? Is it just plain bad idea? Is it worthwhile?

I figured I might as well have one but supplement it with smaller goals leading to the big ones set in the New Year

I was really contemplating on publishing this post as I'm afraid that I won't be able to tick check on all that I set here... But I realize that if I post it here, I'll be more driven to reach these goals so as not to disappoint myself and those who read the goals... (I hope this will be a strong motivation for me!)

So without further ado.. Here's my goal for this year:

1. Stop procrastinating - seriously this is the one bad habit of mine that I hate the most. It's a goal that I set half a year ago and will still be included here.. I shall kick this habit once and for all!

2. Finally be healthier - this is a really tough goal for me.. To be honest, I'm way over my ideal weight and has been constantly fighting this ever since I was in the 4th grade =( I'll be 23 in about 2 months time and this year I shall reach my ideal weight on my birthday March 17.. Hmm should I post my weight loss journey here?

Picture from kikki.K
3. Love and respect myself more - Thinking lowly of myself and sacrificing what I desires to make room for others' are the biggest crimes I commit to myself. To be honest there's lots of decisions I made that I wish I could've thought of myself more.. This year, no matter how egoistic this sounds, I should think of myself more and love myself more because if there's anyone that should, it's me.

4. Share about myself - Yes, I'm still struggling to find the confidence to share my identity in this blog. I'm afraid that I'll be the laughing stock or that after seeing who I am, no one will care about whatever it is that I write. By the end of this year, I hope that I'll be confident enough to reveal myself more. In addition, I vow to post at least 5 posts every week - be it beauty related products, random thoughts, etc.

That's it those are my big arching goals for 2013.. I hope and I will be ticking those off in the end of the year! For those who came upon this post, hope that you will support me in this journey.

Wishing you all the best for any goals that you're creating this year =)

Let 2013 be our year!

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