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Friday 20 June 2014

Sydney Winter Holiday 2014 (Day 2): Black Star Pastry ~ Review and Newtown Scenes

Second day of my trip was all about revisiting my sister's university neighbourhood - Newtown (and Chinatown later on). Newtown, in my opinion, is a really nice suburb for a few reason: 1. it has just about everything - nice cafes (lots of them), a mall (with just about everything in it) and a park to stroll around (not when dark though) 2. the beautiful old architecture integrated in the daily lives (I know this is something that you see in most parts of Sydney, but I especially like the vibe here..) 3. it's really near to the city area.

Enough about Newtown, let's just get into a pastry place I'd like to review...


Prior to this trip, my sister's friend recommended Black Star Pastry for us try out and to specifically get the Strawberry Watermelon Cake. 

Oh I really wish I can take a picture of the storefront clearly but it is located behind a parking spot and there was a hugeee truck blocking the whole place. Sadly, this is the closest I get to taking a picture of their signboard (special thanks to the guy who didn't want to move and photobombed me with his elbow) and the place -.-

The place is really small and there is very limited seats, either the front porch (second pict) or a small corner indoor right behind the window (third pict on the left side). To be honest, for staff service, I expected a more friendly, cheerful person behind the counter. The lady serving seems to be having some PMS issue.. so yeah...

The stuff we got: 2 strawberry watermelon cake, 1 salted caramel panna cotta, 1 brownie, 1 custard tart and 2 danish
The Food Review

Let me be honest with you and say that unfortunately the stuff are majority pretty so-so for me and the only thing worth mentioning for its uniqueness is the Strawberry Watermelon Cake.

The infamous Strawberry Watermelon Cake with Rose Scented Cream
Ahh the cake that brought us to the store.. I must admit that this cake looks really pretty. Did you know that it is gluten-free? That's another plus point to it. The cake is not too sweet and feels light which is good. Taste wise, this is definitely unique. If you like cake that taste fresh (thanks to the watermelon slice) and taste like flower (due to its decoration and rose cream), then you will definitely love this cake. Sadly my tastebud doesn't respond well to this combo.

Gluten-Free Brownies

The Brownies I must say has a nice texture, not too rich and not too sweet taste and the macadamia nuts add a nice touch. Another plus point for being gluten-free. Yet again, I've had dozens of brownies my whole life (because I love them!) and I have to say that although this one is nice, it is not mind-blowing. **Thanks to my brother for the picture because I totally forgot taking this one.**

Salted Caramel Panna Cotta

Just skip this.  The salted caramel was a bit too salty for my taste and the panna cotta taste pretty bland. I stick to my bro's homemade panna cotta any time.

Custard Flan

Another skip for me. The custard is rather bland. I would have preferred it to be a bit sweeter. Or was I suppose to toast this before eating?

Anyway, my first experience with the custard flan is not pleasant but I wouldn't close myself in the future to try this again (or from other pastry place) just to get a comparison.


This is the one thing I can't remember eating (sorry guys!) though I must admit it looks pretty ;)

So I guess for me this place was a miss this time around because of the food, the service and the cramped space. I know they have another branch so maybe next time I'll head to that instead(?) and try their pastry again. Hopefully they can prove me wrong as I am really rooting for this pastry place. 

Black Star Pastry is located at 277 Australia Street, Newtown, NSW, 9557 and there's another branch at Roseburry. 

Black Star Pastry on Urbanspoon

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