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Tuesday 18 March 2014

A Milestone as of yet...

Hi all.. Yes I know it's been a while :(

I've been busy and I've just felt very sluggish and unmotivated for a while... To share a little bit, there's something that I have to deal with for a while and it's starting to eat me up day by day.. I'll share with you all when I'm ready about it but in the meantime I'd like to share with you a milestone of my journey as of yet..

Yesterday marks my birthday and I made a promise to myself that I will overcome this shyness and fear of sharing about myself online once and for all and to mark that... I just finished creating my youtube video and is now in the midst of waiting for it to post online..

It's really nerve racking and I know that there's still so much I need to work on to perfect this video (and my posts too) but I hope I will be able to take baby steps and improve on..

The link to my video is:

Do keep a lookout for me and give me your support/advice/suggestion :)

PS. Youtube for some reason hanged on me and never let me change my thumbnail to the ones i preferred :( while i work on this, please excuse my very weird half sleepy sorta going to sneeze kinda face -.-

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