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Friday 3 April 2015

Sydney Winter Holiday 2014: Adriano Zumbo Patisserie ~ Review

I may have went a little overboard on this...

A bit of a background story, the number one on my list of place to visit in Sydney is actually - Adriano Zumbo. My initial plan is to stop at their Star City branch and that's it but in the end, I went to visit all these: QVB, Bondi, and finally, Star City.

I came across his pastry shop a couple years back through a friend's Instagram in which she posted a photo of Adriano's Zonuts. It looked so good and, from that moment on, I made it my mission is to try this place the moment I land my first step in Sydney. On top of that, my sister's colleague has been pestering her about the goodness of Zumbarons.

It's branch at QVB is formed by 4 glass shelf in a rectangle shaped located conveniently in a middle of a pathway on the ground floor. It served limited number of pastries and macarons.

Let me just tell you that out of the many macarons I've tried in Singapore (including Laduree), nothing compares to Zumbarons. The texture of the shell is so crunchy and moist that the moment you bite into it, everything just crumble and melts in your mouth. Now I don't know if weather plays a part in it (like humidity and stuff), but, as of now, Zumbarons top my list as the #1 best macarons ever. 

The four flavours we got were:
Salted Butter Popcorn (left) and Salted Butter Caramel on Toast (right)
These two are my favourite. Period. The salted butter popcorn has this airy taste into it, like a whipped-cream kind of airy feel if you get what I mean. It has a hint of saltiness and mild sweetness to it. I thought turning popcorn into macaroon will make it taste so weird but I was wrong, so wrong. I am in love with this macaroon.

The Salted Butter Caramel on Toast is also just divine. The caramel filling is so sweet, thick and rich. This is how salted caramel should taste like - the salt should bring out the sweetness even more, not make the pastry taste salty. Bite into it and the caramel just melts in your mouth along with the shell.
Berry Brulee (left) and Toasted Marshmallow (right)
Berry Brulee marks number 3 on my list for awesome flavour. If you ever tried Adriano Zumbo's Tim Tam in Raspberry White Chocolate then you'll know how this taste like. Berry Brulee taste just like it. The berry essence with its slight sourness combined with the sweetness of white chocolate makes this into such a flavourful pastry.

Toasted Marshmallow is also quite good. The filling definitely has that sticky consistency and slightly airy taste of a melted marshmallow. A plus point on this one is that is not too sweet.

That's our first affair with Adriano Zumbo.

A few days later during our drive in Bondi, we came across their branch and just had to stop.

And voila... The damages made are these macarons and that Milo cake at the top..

Hmm I will say the milo cake is a so-so for me but the zumbarons.... well that's a different thing altogether :)

Among all those flavours, I still have to say my fav still goes to the salted butter popcorn, salted butter caramel on toast and the berry brûlée..


Will be getting these when I'm there again!

A Year Journey

It's approximately a year since I started blogging and youtube-ing on and off...

I'm definitely not good at keeping up with my posts on both and am definitely been lazying around which is not good at all..

Things have been crazy but I'm just glad I still have people who constantly remind me of what I have started..

Hopefully there will be more constant flow of posts from now on..

If you wanna know more about my reflection, check out my video below..

For those who have been following and supporting me, thank you!