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Tuesday 13 May 2014

8 Lessons of Life to Learn from 2048

The wave may have ended a bit but face it....... You probably came across this game called 2048.
Either you're a victim of it (I'm guilty as charge) or post about it has been flooding your Facebook newsfeed, Instafeed or screens of your MRT/bus neighbour (cause admit it, there’s this creeper side inside all of us who just like to peek at others' smartphone screen, or is it just me? *-*). 

This morning I had this weird (and silly) epiphany about the game and thought I share it with you all... 

Lessons of life to learn from 2048:
1. Don’t be afraid to dive into something new EVEN if you have no clue as to what it is. I started the game without any idea on how to play it. Though it took me quite a few trial to realize how the game works (aka you can only combine tiles together if they have the same number), I manage to understand and I learn something. Only by challenging yourself to new things do you learn and expand your knowledge.
2. Ask around. Now I would have skipped lesson no.1 had I asked my brother (the veteran in the family) how the game works and what are the tricks to reach 2048. 2048 is a free game and there's no harm diving in head first but if what you're going to tackle upon is something huge (like opening a business?), then DO ask around and learn from others who know what they're doing. You can save your precious tome from making mistake and getting confused. 
3. Perseverance is important. This game may look easy but getting to 2048 takes time, did you ever count how many moves and tiles you need to make? A LOT. I don't think this point needs more explanation because we all know nothing comes easy.
4. Related to number 3... But sometimes you just have to let go and start over. Whether it’s wrong strategy, wrong move or whatever, there are times when it is actually better to restart and work on a clean slate. Now this is something that I still need to grasp upon because most of the time, I don't know when to let go especially when there's a goal in mind which brings me to my next point...
5. Having a goal is important. Had the game gives you no aim (aka achieving 2048 tile), I'm pretty sure you won't get so caught up trying to master it. Goals are important as it keeps you focused. 
6. When you achieved your goal, look further and prepare for another one. Just when you thought the game ended, there’s a whole new level to reach called 4096... 8192.. Heck yeah, they even expand the tile into 5x5.. 
7.  There's always a lesson you can take from just about anything. Or if you don't agree with this statement.. Go to No.7
8. Everything can be fluffed up ;)

Take this post seriously or laugh it off? It's up to you. What I hope is you find it entertaining :)