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Thursday 16 January 2014

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No longer MIA

It's been almost a year since I actually posted anything on this blog and I must say... I'm pretty disappointed in myself (Definitely did not fulfilled my new year's resolution last year). I was too caught up with everything around me and I also had too ambitious goals..

With the start of the new year, I think it's about time (too long I think) to pick myself up and start on this all over again..

So what have I been up to? Did I reach any of my resolutions? (In summary, yeah I did)

2013 has definitely been the most life changing year for me as of yet.

I graduated university...
Finished a marathon...

Managed to catch up with old friends and got to know a great guy...
Entered workforce..

And that's just some of the highlights.. 2013 is a year to remember..

I categorised my resolution in 4 points and I shall update those here:
1. Stop procrastinating: Well, I didn't stop but I am getting better at handling this.
2. Finally be healthier: Nope I didn't reach my ideal weight by my birthday last year :( but I did trained for my marathon which helped me lose some weight in July which I then gained back and more :( Realising how much I weighted, I decided to get healthy again in October and followed Blogilates. I still stick to the programme and I must say I've been toning up and losing some weight :)
3. Love and respect myself more: still a work in progress which I don't know how to measure.. I guess I'm in a better place right now but I don't think it's a great place yet..
4. Share about myself: I definitely didn't post 5 blog posts per week -.- I guess it's a very ambitious goal for a girl who has never blogged nor liked writing so much in the first place.. And I am still shy sharing about myself.. I hope this year I'll be able to post 1 post per week and perhaps open up more about myself..

Moving forward... I thought things through and my 2014 resolution shall be:
1. Be more active on this blog (aim for a post every week)
2. Start a youtube channel maybe?
3. Run at least 1 marathon this year (StandChart?)
4. Keep a food journal, eat clean and exercise daily
5. Be happy

Whatever it is your resolution in 2014, I hope we'll be able to achieve it.. If you'd like to share your goals this year, share it :)